The potential energy of a simple harmonic oscillator when the particle is half way

The Potential Energy Of A Simple Harmonic Oscillator When The Physics Question

The potential energy of a simple harmonic oscillator when the particle is half way to its end point is (where E is the total energy)


(a) E/8
(b) E/4
(c) E/2
(d) 2E/3

Correct Answer:



P.E. = (1/2) mω²y² ⇒ At y = a/2 ⇒ (1/2) (mω²a²/4)
Total energy (E) = P.E. at extreme position = (1/2) mω²a²
P.E. = (1/4).[(1/2) mω²a²] = E/4

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Topics: Oscillations (58)
Subject: Physics (2479)

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