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Average score |
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- Biodiversity and Conservation 0%
- Biotechnology and Its Applications 0%
- Cell Structure and Functions 0%
- Diversity in Living World 0%
- Enhancement in Food Production 0%
- Environmental Issues 0%
- Evolution 0%
- Genetics 0%
- Human Body Fluids and Excretory Products 0%
- Human Digestion and Breathing 0%
- Human Health and Disease 0%
- Human Reproduction 0%
- Locomotion and Movement 0%
- Microbes in Human Welfare 0%
- Neural Control and Chemical Coordination 0%
- Photosynthesis in Higher Plants 0%
- Plant and Animal Kingdom 0%
- Plant Growth and Development 0%
- Populations and Ecosystem 0%
- Reproduction In Organisms and Plants 0%
- Respiration in Plants 0%
- Structural Organisation In Animals 0%
- Structural Organisation In Plants 0%
- Transport and Nutrition in Plants 0%
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- Answered
- Review
Question 1 of 90
1. Question
Category: Structural Organisation In AnimalsSarcolemma is a membrane found over
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Question 2 of 90
2. Question
Category: Structural Organisation In AnimalsIn which of the following animals the body cavity is a true coelom?
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Question 3 of 90
3. Question
Category: Structural Organisation In PlantsIf a fruit is developed from bicarpellary, syncarpous, superior ovary with parietal placentation and unilocular when young but becoming biloclar with age and also pod like in appearance is termed as
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Question 4 of 90
4. Question
Category: Structural Organisation In PlantsSecondary cell wall grows by
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Question 5 of 90
5. Question
Category: Biodiversity and ConservationL.P.G is
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Question 6 of 90
6. Question
Category: Biodiversity and ConservationHot spots are priority areas for in situ conservation. The key criteria for determining a hot spot is/are
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Question 7 of 90
7. Question
Category: Biodiversity and ConservationFossil fuels have been formed by a
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Question 8 of 90
8. Question
Category: Biodiversity and ConservationBiomass produced by plants in oceans accounts for
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Question 9 of 90
9. Question
Category: Biotechnology and Its ApplicationsFlavr savr variety of Tomato is
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Question 10 of 90
10. Question
Category: Biotechnology and Its ApplicationsCloning is means to
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Question 11 of 90
11. Question
Category: Biotechnology and Its ApplicationsBiolistic technique is used in
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Question 12 of 90
12. Question
Category: Biotechnology and Its ApplicationsA technique of deliberate manipulation of genes/transfer of gene to a different organism is
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Question 13 of 90
13. Question
Category: Cell Structure and FunctionsAn outer covering membrane is absent over
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The site of ribosomes in the cell
Question 14 of 90
14. Question
Category: Cell Structure and FunctionsAll cells contain
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Question 15 of 90
15. Question
Category: Cell Structure and FunctionsAction of lysozyme is
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Question 16 of 90
16. Question
Category: Cell Structure and FunctionsA living substance of a cell was termed as ‘sarcode’ by
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Question 17 of 90
17. Question
Category: Diversity in Living WorldViroids differ from viruses in having
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Question 18 of 90
18. Question
Category: Diversity in Living WorldColumella is a specialized sterile structure found in the sporangium of
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Question 19 of 90
19. Question
Category: Diversity in Living WorldCell wall of bacteria is composed of
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Question 20 of 90
20. Question
Category: Enhancement in Food ProductionEmasculation is concerned with
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Question 21 of 90
21. Question
Category: Enhancement in Food ProductionDesired improved varieties of economically useful crops are raised by
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Question 22 of 90
22. Question
Category: Enhancement in Food ProductionAtmospheric nitrogen-fixation is carried by
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Question 23 of 90
23. Question
Category: Enhancement in Food ProductionA good example of an auxin herbicide is
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Question 24 of 90
24. Question
Category: Environmental IssuesIf global warming continues, the organism which may face more severe threat is
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Question 25 of 90
25. Question
Category: Environmental IssuesEffect of pollution is on
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Question 26 of 90
26. Question
Category: Environmental IssuesChoose the correct sequence of air pollution and its components with the effect it produces
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Question 27 of 90
27. Question
Category: Environmental IssuesBhopal tragedy is caused by
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Question 28 of 90
28. Question
Category: EvolutionGiraffe has long neck, this can be attributed to
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Question 29 of 90
29. Question
Category: EvolutionEvery cell of the body contributes gemmules to the germ cells and so shares in the transmission of inherited characters. This theory is known as
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Question 30 of 90
30. Question
Category: EvolutionClosely related species living in the same area/habitat are called as
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Question 31 of 90
31. Question
Category: EvolutionAccording to one of the most widely accepted theory, earth’s atmosphere before origin of life consisted of a mixture of
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Question 32 of 90
32. Question
Category: GeneticsDiameter of DNA helix is
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Question 33 of 90
33. Question
Category: GeneticsChromosome theory states that
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Question 34 of 90
34. Question
Category: GeneticsA person whose blood group is A, its genotype can be written as
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Question 35 of 90
35. Question
Category: GeneticsA dihybrid test cross yielding a result of 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 ratio is indicative of
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Question 36 of 90
36. Question
Category: Human Body Fluids and Excretory ProductsWhich of the following are not true cells in the blood?
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Question 37 of 90
37. Question
Category: Human Body Fluids and Excretory ProductsBicuspid valve regulates the flow of blood from
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Question 38 of 90
38. Question
Category: Human Body Fluids and Excretory ProductsAnimal requiring minimum amount of water to produce urine are
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Question 39 of 90
39. Question
Category: Human Body Fluids and Excretory ProductsA person is undergoing prolonged fasting. His urine will be found to contain abnormal quantities of
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Question 40 of 90
40. Question
Category: Human Digestion and BreathingDuring expiration, the diaphragm becomes
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Question 41 of 90
41. Question
Category: Human Digestion and BreathingCalorific value for carbohydrates, proteins and fats is
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Question 42 of 90
42. Question
Category: Human Digestion and BreathingBile salts help in
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Question 43 of 90
43. Question
Category: Human Digestion and BreathingAmount of saliva secreted daily in humans is
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Question 44 of 90
44. Question
Category: Human Health and DiseaseHistamines are secreted by
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Question 45 of 90
45. Question
Category: Human Health and DiseaseCirrhosis of the liver is caused by
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Question 46 of 90
46. Question
Category: Human Health and DiseaseAnti-viral substance is
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Question 47 of 90
47. Question
Category: Human Health and DiseaseAedes aegypti is a vector of disease
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Question 48 of 90
48. Question
Category: Human ReproductionGonorrhoea is caused by
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Question 49 of 90
49. Question
Category: Human ReproductionCumulus proligerus cells are found around
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Question 50 of 90
50. Question
Category: Human ReproductionCapacitation of sperms occurs in
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Question 51 of 90
51. Question
Category: Human ReproductionAcrosome is a type of
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Question 52 of 90
52. Question
Category: Locomotion and MovementIn a muscle, the functional unit of contraction is the …….. Portion of myofibril between two successive ‘Z’ lines.
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Question 53 of 90
53. Question
Category: Locomotion and MovementEnergy is stored in the liver and muscles in the form of
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Question 54 of 90
54. Question
Category: Locomotion and MovementAn all-out sprint can’t continue for more than 40 seconds because
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Question 55 of 90
55. Question
Category: Locomotion and MovementA sarcomere in the myofibrils of muscle is found in between
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Question 56 of 90
56. Question
Category: Microbes in Human WelfareHighest number of antibiotics are produced by
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Question 57 of 90
57. Question
Category: Microbes in Human WelfareDuring lactic acid fermentation
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Question 58 of 90
58. Question
Category: Microbes in Human WelfareCheese and yogurt are products of
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Question 59 of 90
59. Question
Category: Microbes in Human WelfareA third generation pesticide is
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Question 60 of 90
60. Question
Category: Neural Control and Chemical CoordinationGaitore is a pathological condition associated with
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Question 61 of 90
61. Question
Category: Neural Control and Chemical CoordinationDuring stress condition which of the following starts working
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Question 62 of 90
62. Question
Category: Neural Control and Chemical CoordinationBowman’s gland are located in
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Question 63 of 90
63. Question
Category: Neural Control and Chemical CoordinationAdrenocorticotrophic hormone is secreted by
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Question 64 of 90
64. Question
Category: Photosynthesis in Higher PlantsChloroplast have maximum number of which of the following enzyme?
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Question 65 of 90
65. Question
Category: Photosynthesis in Higher PlantsC₄ plants have an advantage over C₃ plants when the weather is
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Question 66 of 90
66. Question
Category: Photosynthesis in Higher PlantsAssimilatory power’ is
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Question 67 of 90
67. Question
Category: Photosynthesis in Higher Plants3-phosphoglyceric acid (PGA) as the first CO₂ fixation product in algal photosynthesis was discovered by
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Question 68 of 90
68. Question
Category: Plant and Animal KingdomThe type of vertebrae in suborder ophidia is
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Question 69 of 90
69. Question
Category: Plant and Animal KingdomThe excretory material of marine bony fish is
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Question 70 of 90
70. Question
Category: Plant and Animal KingdomLiver and pancreas of frog and rabbit are derived from
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Question 71 of 90
71. Question
Category: Plant and Animal KingdomBone marrow is absent in
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Question 72 of 90
72. Question
Category: Plant Growth and DevelopmentFoolish seedling disease of rice led to the discovery of
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Question 73 of 90
73. Question
Category: Plant Growth and DevelopmentCytokinin synthesis is maximum in
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Question 74 of 90
74. Question
Category: Plant Growth and DevelopmentAuxanometer is used to detect
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Question 75 of 90
75. Question
Category: Plant Growth and DevelopmentA hormone delaying sencescence is
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Question 76 of 90
76. Question
Category: Populations and EcosystemIdentify the plant belonging to the reed-swamp stage in hydrarch succession.
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Question 77 of 90
77. Question
Category: Populations and EcosystemFood and space, the major limiting factors of an animal population, operate through which of the following determinants to bring about comparative stability of the population?
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Question 78 of 90
78. Question
Category: Populations and EcosystemDeciduous forests are characterised by
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Question 79 of 90
79. Question
Category: Populations and EcosystemAll population in a given physical area are defined as
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Question 80 of 90
80. Question
Category: Reproduction In Organisms and PlantsFragrant flowers with well-developed nectaries are adapted for
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Question 81 of 90
81. Question
Category: Reproduction In Organisms and PlantsEndosperm may completely be consumed by the developing embryo before the seed maturation in
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Question 82 of 90
82. Question
Category: Reproduction In Organisms and PlantsDevices for self-pollination are
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Question 83 of 90
83. Question
Category: Reproduction In Organisms and PlantsApomixis is the production of a new plant through
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Question 84 of 90
84. Question
Category: Respiration in PlantsConnecting link between glycolysis and Krebs cycle is/before entering Krebs cycle pyruvic is changed to
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Question 85 of 90
85. Question
Category: Respiration in PlantsAs compared to anaerobic respiration, the energy gained during aerobic respiration is
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Question 86 of 90
86. Question
Category: Respiration in PlantsAerobic respiration is related with
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Question 87 of 90
87. Question
Category: Transport and Nutrition in PlantsFunction of zinc in plants is
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Question 88 of 90
88. Question
Category: Transport and Nutrition in PlantsDeficiency symptoms of nitrogen and potassium are visible first in:
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Question 89 of 90
89. Question
Category: Transport and Nutrition in PlantsAn osmometer is filled with 0.5 M solution of NaCl in water. In which of the following solutions it must be immersed in order to make it shrink?
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Question 90 of 90
90. Question
Category: Transport and Nutrition in PlantsA group of students are studying the transport of certain type of molecules in a cell. They observe that the transport slows down when the cells are treated with poison, a chemical, which inhibits energy production. But when studying molecules are normal conditions it is estimated that molecules are probably transported by
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