There are four light-weight-rod samples A,B,C,D seperately suspended by threads

There Are Four Lightweightrod Samples Abcd Separately Suspended By Threads Physics Question

There are four light-weight-rod samples A,B,C,D separately suspended by threads. A bar magnet is slowly brought near each sample and the following observations are noted
(i) A is feebly repelled
(ii) B is feebly attracted
(iii) C is strongly attracted
(iv) D remains unaffected
Which one of the following is true?


(a) B is of a paramagnetic material
(b) C is of a diamagnetic material
(c) D is of a ferromagnetic material
(d) A is of a non-magnetic material

Correct Answer:

B is of a paramagnetic material


A → diamagnetic
B → paramagnetic
C → Ferromagnetic
D → Non magnetic

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Topics: Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism (167)
Subject: Physics (2479)

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