The Taj Mahal is threatented due to the effect of

The Taj Mahal Is Threatened Due To The Effect Of Biology Question

The Taj Mahal is threatened due to the effect of


(a) oxygen
(b) chlorine
(c) hydrogen
(d) sulphur dioxide

Correct Answer:

sulphur dioxide


The Taj Mahal is built with white marble and is threatened by environmental pollution, especially due to sulphur dioxide. Sulphur dioxide is produced during combustion of fossil fuels, refining of petroleum and smelting of sulphur containing ores. Threat of Taj Mahal from Mathura refinary is due to pollutant gases composing SO₂,H₂S and nitrogen oxides. They would convert CaCO₃(marble) into calcium sulphate and calcium nitrate.

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Topics: Conservation and Environmental Issues (111)
Subject: Biology (4253)

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