The particle executing simple harmonic motion has a kinetic energy K₀cos²ωt.

The Particle Executing Simple Harmonic Motion Has A Kinetic Energy Physics Question

The particle executing simple harmonic motion has a kinetic energy K₀ cos²ωt. The maximum values of the potential energy and the total energy are respectively


(a) K₀/2 and K₀
(b) K₀ and 2 K₀
(c) K₀ and K₀
(d) 0 and 2 K₀

Correct Answer:

K₀ and K₀


Kinetic energy + Potential energy = total energy
When kinetic energy is maximum, potential energy is zero and vice versa.
.·. Maximum potential energy = total energy
0 + K₀ = K₀
(K.E + P.E = Total energy) .

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Topics: Oscillations (58)
Subject: Physics (2479)

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