Prostaglandins have no role in

Prostaglandins Have No Role In Biology Question

Prostaglandins have no role in


(a) inflammatory and allergic reactions
(b) blood clotting
(c) smooth muscle contraction
(d) conduction of nerve impulses

Correct Answer:

conduction of nerve impulses


Prostaglandin is any of a group of organic compounds derived from essential fatty acids and causing a range of physiological effects in animals. Prostaglandins have been detected in most body tissues. They act at very low concentrations to cause the contraction of smooth muscle; natural and synthetic prostaglandin are used to induce abortion or labor in humans and domestic animals. Two prostaglandin derivatives have antagonistic effects on blood circulation: thromboxane A₂causes bolld clotting, while prostacyclin causes blood vessels to dilate. Prostaglandins are also involved in inflammation, being released from affected tissues.

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Topics: Neural Control and Chemical Coordination (195)
Subject: Biology (4253)

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