In the gas phase reaction C₂H₂ + H₂ ⇌ C₂H₆, the equilibrium constant

In The Gas Phase Reaction Ch H Ch Chemistry Question

In the gas phase reaction C₂H₂ + H₂ ⇌ C₂H₆, the equilibrium constant can be expressed in


(a) mol L⁻¹
(b) mol L⁻²
(c) mol⁻¹ L⁻¹
(d) L mol⁻¹

Correct Answer:

L mol⁻¹


Equilibrium constant :
[C₂H₆]/[C₂H₄][H₂] = mol.L⁻¹ / (mol.L⁻¹).(mol.L⁻¹)
= 1/mol.L⁻¹ = L/mol⁻¹.

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Topics: Equilibrium (104)
Subject: Chemistry (2512)

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