If the dental formula of Rabbit is 20331023What does it show

If The Dental Formula Of Rabbit Is 20331023what Does It Biology Question

If the dental formula of Rabbit is 2033/1023.What does it show


(a) Total number of teeth in Rabbit is 15
(b) Number of total incisors in Rabbit is 3
(c) Diastema is present between incisors and premolars
(d) In the formula 2033 is for adult and 1023 is for young ones

Correct Answer:

Diastema is present between incisors and premolars


The dental formula of Rabbit is 2033/1023 = 8/6 ˣ 2 = 28, so 28 teeth occur in rabbit, canines are absent and Diastema is present between incisor and premolar.

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