Flagellated male gametes are present in which one of the following sets?

Flagellated Male Gametes Are Present In All The Three Of Biology Question

Flagellated male gametes are present in all the three of which one of the following sets?


(a) Zygnema, Saprolegnia and Hydrilla
(b) Fucus, Marsilea and Calotropis
(c) Riccia, Dryopteris and Cycas
(d) Anthoceros, Funaria and Spirogyra

Correct Answer:

Riccia, Dryopteris and Cycas


The male gametes of bryophytes are biflagellate, and those of pteriodophytes are multiflagellate, except Selaginella having biflagellate gametes. The male gametes of gymnosperms are non motile except those of Cycas having multiciliate gametes.

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Question Type: Memory (964)
Difficulty Level: Easy (1008)
Topics: Plant and Animal Kingdom (295)
Subject: Biology (4253)

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