Plasmodesmata are:

Plasmodesmata are:


(a) locomotary structures (b) membranes connecting the nucleus with plasmalemma (c) connections between adjacent cells (d) lignified cemented layers between cells

Correct Answer:

connections between adjacent cells


Plasmodesmata are connections […]

Stroma in the chloroplasts of ohigher plant contains:

Stroma in the chloroplasts of higher plant contains:


(a) light-dependent reaction enzymes (b) ribosomes (c) chlorophyll (d) light-independent reaction enzymes

Correct Answer:

light-independent reaction enzymes


Stroma in the chloroplasts of higher plant […]

What is not true for genetic code?

What is not true for genetic code?


(a) It is nearly universal (b) It is degenerate (c) It is unambiguous (d) A codon in mRNA is read in a non contiguous fashion


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