Which one of the following pairs of codons is correctly matched with

Which One Of The Following Pairs Of Codons Is Correctly Biology Question

Which one of the following pairs of codons is correctly matched with their function or the signal for the particular amino acid?


(a) GUU, GCU – Alanine
(b) UAG, UGA – Stop
(c) AUG, ACG – Start/Methionine
(d) UUA, UCA – Leucine

Correct Answer:

UAG, UGA – Stop


GCU indicates alanine but GUU indicates valine. Stop codons UAG, UGA and UAA AUG is the most common start codon which does for methionine. UUA indicates leucine but UCA indicates serine.

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Topics: Genetics (204)
Subject: Biology (4253)

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