Which one of the following is the correct matching of the events occurring

Which One Of The Following Is The Correct Matching Of Biology Question

Which one of the following is the correct matching of the events occurring during menstrual cycle?


(a) Proliferative phase : Rapid regeneration of myometrium and maturation of Graffian follicle
(b) Development of corpus luteum : Secretory phase and increased secretion of progesterone
(c) Menstruation : Breakdown of myometrium and ovum not fertilised
(d) Ovulation : LH and FSH attain peak level oand sharp fall in the secretion of progesterone

Correct Answer:

Development of corpus luteum : Secretory phase and increased secretion of progesterone


The corpus luterum is essential for e3stablishing and maintaining pregnancy in females. In the ovary, the corpus luteum secrets estrogens and progesterone, which are steroid homones reponsible for the thickiening of the endometrium and its development and maintenance, respectively.

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Topics: Human Reproduction (101)
Subject: Biology (4253)

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