Which of the following compounds possesses the C-H bond with the lowest bond dissociation

Which Of The Following Compounds Possesses The Ch Bond With Chemistry Question

Which of the following compounds possesses the C-H bond with the lowest bond dissociation energy?


(a) Toluene
(b) Benzene
(c) n-Pentane
(d) 2,2-Dimethylpropane

Correct Answer:



Structure of Toluene:

Toluene (CHCH₃) = 85 kcal/mol

Benzene (CH) = 110 kcal/mol

n-Pentane (CHCHCHCH ) = 98 kcal/mol

2, 2-Dimathylpropane = 92 kcal/mol

Toluene has the lowest C – H bond dissociation energy compare to other three.

Toluene is a Tertiary free radical. Bond Dissociation Energy of C-H bonds decreases as we go from methyl to primary to secondary to tertiary. They are easier to break since homolytic bond cleavage results in a more stable radical. 

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Topics: Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure (86)
Subject: Chemistry (2512)

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