The two gases making highest relative contribution to the greenhouse gases are

The Two Gases Making Highest Relative Contribution To The Greenhouse Biology Question

The two gases making highest relative contribution to the greenhouse gases are


(a) CO2 and CH4
(b) CH4 and N2O
(c) CFC5 and N2O
(d) CO2 and N2O

Correct Answer:

CO2 and CH4


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Question Type: Memory (964)
Difficulty Level: Easy (1008)
Topics: Conservation and Environmental Issues (111)
Subject: Biology (4253)

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1 Comment on The two gases making highest relative contribution to the greenhouse gases are

  1. The green house effect is naturally occurring phenomenon that is responsible for warming of earth’s surface and atmosphere. CO2(60%) and CH4(20%) are commonly known as green house gases because they are responsible for the green house effect, that ultimately leads to global warming.

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