The rapid change of pH near the stoichiometric point of an acid-base titration

The Rapid Change Of Ph Near The Stoichiometric Point Of Chemistry Question

The rapid change of pH near the stoichiometric point of an acid-base titration is the basis of indicator detection.pH of the solution is related to ratio of the concentrations of the conjugate acid (HIn) and base (In⁻) forms of the indicator by the expression


(a) log [In⁻] / [HIn] = pKIn – pH
(b) log [HIn] / [In⁻] = pKIn – pH
(c) log [HIn] / [In⁻] = pH – pKIn
(d) log [In⁻] / [HIn] = pH – pKIn

Correct Answer:

log [In⁻] / [HIn] = pH – pKIn


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Topics: Equilibrium (104)
Subject: Chemistry (2512)

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