The process of photorespiration occurs in

The Process Of Photorespiration Occurs In Biology Question

The process of photorespiration occurs in


(a) all plants
(b) C₄ plants
(c) C₃ plants
(d) algae only

Correct Answer:

C₃ plants


Photorespiration takes place only in C₃ plants as at high temperature and high oxygen concentration RuBP carboxylase changes to RuBP oxygenase. Photorespiration is not present in C₄ plants because Rubisco and other Calvin cycle enzymes are present only in bundle sheath cells, and CO₂ concentration in those cells is maintained too high for O₂ to compete with CO₂, Temperature is also low in bundle sheath cells of C₄ plant.

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Topics: Photosynthesis in Higher Plants (153)
Subject: Biology (4253)

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