The figure depicts a diagrammatic view of the female reproductive system of humans

The Figure Given Below Depicts A Diagrammatic Sectional View Of Biology Question

The figure given below depicts a diagrammatic sectional view of the female reproductive system of humans. Which one set of three parts out of I – IV have been correctly identified?


(a) (II) Endometrium (III) infundibulum, (IV) Fimbriae
(b) (III) Infundibulum, (IV) Fimbriae, (V) Cervix
(c) (IV) Oviducal funnel, (V) Uterus, (VI) Certex
(d) (I) Perimetrium, (II) Mytometrium, (III) Fallopian tube

Correct Answer:

(III) Infundibulum, (IV) Fimbriae, (V) Cervix


Inthe given figure
III – marked portion is Infundibulum
IV – marked portion is Fimbriaa
V – marked portion is Cervix

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Topics: Human Reproduction (101)
Subject: Biology (4253)

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