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The chemical structure of chlorophyll a varies from chlorophyll b due to difference between
(a) CH₃ and C₂H₅
(b) CH₃ and HCH=CH₂
(c) CH₃ and CHO
(d) CHO and CH=CH₂
Correct Answer:
CH₃ and CHO
The molecular formula of chlorophyll a (bule green pigment) is C₅₅H₇₂O₅N₄Mg and that of chlorophyll b (yellow-green pigment) is C₅₅H₇₀O₆N₄Mg. Chlorophyll a and Chlorophlly b differ in such a way that in chlorophyll b there is a – CHO group instead of -CH₃ group at the 3rd C atom in II pyrrole ring.
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Topics: Photosynthesis in Higher Plants
Subject: Biology
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