Largest amount of phosphate bond energy is produced in the porcess of respiration during

Largest Amount Of Phosphate Bond Energy Is Produced In The Biology Question

Largest amount of phosphate bond energy is produced in the porcess of respiration during


(a) glycolysis
(b) Kreb’s cycle
(c) fermentation
(d) anaerobic respiration

Correct Answer:

Kreb’s cycle


During glycolysis, 2 moles of ATP are produced. Glycolysis is the sequence of enzyme catalysed reactions that convert glucose into two molecules of pyruvate. One cycle yields 12 ATP. Krebs cycle is the common metabolic pathway or oxidative catabolism in the aerobic respiration in mitochondria. It is involved in carabolism of protein, carbohydrates and lipids. In anaerobic respiration (respiration in absence of oxygen) only 2 ATPs are formed. Fermentation is the production of chemical energy in the form of ATP through the degradation of carbohydrates and other organic molecules in a reaction that does not require molecular oxygen.

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Topics: Respiration in Plants (184)
Subject: Biology (4253)

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