In Kerbs cycle FAD participates as electron acceptor during the conversion

In Kerbs Cycle Fad Participates As Electron Acceptor During The Biology Question

In Kerbs cycle FAD participates as electron acceptor during the conversion of


(a) Succinyl CoA to Succinic acid
(b) Alfa ketoglutarate to Succinyl CoA
(c) Succinic acid to Fumaric acid
(d) Fumaric acid to Malic acid

Correct Answer:

Succinic acid to Fumaric acid


In the conversion of succinyl CoA to succinic acid, energy liberated during hydrolysis of succinyl CoA is used in synthesis of GTP. For the conversion of alfa-ketoglutarate to scccinyl CoA, NAD⁺ and CoA are required. Conversion of fumaric acid to malic acid involves simple hydration. FAD participates in conversion of succinic acid to fumaric acid.

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Subject: Biology (4253)

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