In a typical heart, if EDV is 120ml of blood and ESV is 50 ml of blood the stroke

In A Typical Heart If Edv Is 120ml Of Blood Biology Question

In a typical heart, if EDV is 120ml of blood and ESV is 50 ml of blood the stroke volume (SV) is


(a) 120-50=70ml
(b) 120+50=70ml
(c) 120÷50=6000ml
(d) 120÷50=2.4ml

Correct Answer:



During diastole, normal filling of the ventricles increases the volume of each ventricle. This volume is called the end-diastolic volume(EDV). Then, as the ventricles empty during systole, the volume decreases, which is called stroke volume output(SV). The remaining volume in each ventircle is called the end systolic volume (ESV). Therefore, stroke volume can be calculated be the following formula: EDV = ESV+SV Here, EDV is 120ml; ESV is 50 ml so SV will be, 120 = 50 + SV, SV = (120-50)ml, SV= 70 ml.

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Topics: Human Body Fluids and Excretory Products (197)
Subject: Biology (4253)

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