For an endothermic reaction the value of ΔS is positive.The reaction is

For An Endothermic Reaction The Value Of S Is Positivethe Chemistry Question

For an endothermic reaction the value of ΔS is positive.The reaction is


(a) feasible when ΔH > TΔS
(b) feasible when TΔS > ΔH
(c) feasible at all temperatures
(d) not feasible at all

Correct Answer:

feasible when TΔS > ΔH


According to Gibb’s equation,
ΔG = ΔH – TΔS.
Therefore for ΔS to be positive, therefore for feasibility of the reaction is possible only if TΔS > ΔH so that ΔG = -ve.

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Topics: Thermodynamics (179)
Subject: Chemistry (2512)

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