CuSO₄ dissolves in NH₃ due to the formation of

Cuso Dissolves In Nh Due To The Formation Of Chemistry Question

CuSO₄ dissolves in NH₃ due to the formation of


(a) Cu(OH)₂
(b) Cu[(NH₃)₄]SO₄
(c) Cu[(NH₃)₄(OH)₂]
(d) CuO

Correct Answer:



CuSO₄ + NH₄OH → Cu(OH)₂ + (NH₄)₂ SO₄ / Cu(OH)₂ + 2NH₄OH + (NH₄)₂ SO₄ → [Cu (NH₂)₄] SO₄ + 4 H₂O ( Tetrammine cupric sulphate
The complex is called as Schotzer’s reagent which is used for dissolving cellulose in the manufacture of artificial silk.

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Topics: Coordination Compounds (87)
Subject: Chemistry (2512)

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