A compound that undergoes bromination easily is

A Compound That Undergoes Bromination Easily Is Chemistry Question

A compound that undergoes bromination easily is


(a) toluene
(b) benzoic acid
(c) phenol
(d) benzene

Correct Answer:



phCH₃ , phCOOH, phOH, phH, Among the given compounds , phCH₃ and phOH have activating groups, -OH and -CH₃, -OH has a strong +R effect and CH₃ has +I effect and hyperconjugative effect, +R effect being stronger than the +I and hyperconjugative effect, phOH will undergo the reaction more readily than phCH₃. Again phCOOH is deactivaing group. phH has neither a deactivating nor an activating group, so it will be more reactive than the compounds with deactivating groups. Phenol undergoes bromination easily even in absence of any halogen carrier.

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Topics: Haloalkenes and Haloarenes (78)
Subject: Chemistry (2512)

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