A cell when dipped in 05 M sucrose solution has no effect but when the same

A Cell When Dipped In 05 M Sucrose Solution Has Biology Question

A cell when dipped in 0.5 M sucrose solution has no effect but when the same cell will be dipped in 0.5 M NaCl solution the cell will.


(a) increases in size
(b) decreases in size
(c) will be turgid
(d) will get plasmolysed

Correct Answer:

decreases in size


When the cell is dipped in 0.5 M sucrose solution it has no effect because the solution is isotonic, but in 0.5 M NaCl solution the cell size will decreases because solution is hypertonic in comparison to the cell sap. so water will move out of the cell. The reason behind this is that although both sucrose and NaCl solution are of same molarity yet they differ in osmolarity.NaCl completely dissolves in water and forms two types of solutes.thus 1 M NaCl is equal to 20cm solution (osmole). Hence osmolarity of

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Subject: Biology (4253)

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