Choose the correct order of stages of cellular respiration

Choose the correct order of stages of cellular respiration.


(a) Kreb’s cycle- Electron transport chain-Glycolysis (b) Glycolysis-Electron transport chain-Kreb’s cycle (c) Glycolysis-Kreb’s cycle-Electron trnasport chain (d) Electron transport chain-Kerb’s cycle-Glycolysis

Correct Answer: […]

Beer is obtained by fermentation process involving

Beer is obtained by fermentation process involving


(a) Rhizopus stolonifer (b) Caedobacter taeniospiralis (c) Saccharomyces cerevisiae (d) Bacillus thuringenesis

Correct Answer:

Saccharomyces cerevisiae


Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a species of budding yeast. […]

ATP was discovered by

ATP was discovered by


(a) Blackman (b) Bowman (c) Lipmann (d) Karl Lohman

Correct Answer:

Karl Lohman


ATP was discovered by Lohmann (1926) and ATP cycle by Lipmann (1941) who won […]

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