Modern Taxonomy

Modern Taxonomy Explanation

Taxonomy based on all types of characters morphology, anatomy, cytology, physiology, biochemistry, ecology, genetics

Classical Taxonomy

Classical Taxonomy Explanation

Taxonomy based on observable morphological characters


Classification Explanation

Grouping into categories based on characteristics

Binomial Nomenclature

A system of providing a name with two components, generic name and epithet.

Binomial Nomenclature Explanation

It is a formal naming species system of living things by giving each a name composed of two parts, […]


Standardise naming of living organisms across the world.

Nomenclature Explanation

Nomenclature is a system of the naming of species. The names should be Latin or Latinized consist of two parts, the first part indicating the […]


Systematics Explanation

Study of organisms with reference to identification, nomenclature, classification and evolutionary relationship


Taxonomy Explanation

Study of identification, nomenclature and classification of organism


Sporulation Explanation

Formation of nearly dormant forms of bacteria

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