Valence Electrons

Electrons present in the outer most shell are called as Valence Electrons. They determine the chemical properties of the element.

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Valence electrons of charged atoms

We know that electrons are negatively charged. […]


Recurrence of properties of elements after regular intervals based on the atomic numbers is called as periodicity. The modern periodic table is based on groups and periods and each element in a particular period exhibits similar […]

Modern Periodic Law

The modern periodic law states that physical and chemical properties of elements are periodic function of their atomic numbers.

In 1913, Moseley proved that the most fundamental property of an element is its atomic number. […]

Electron Gain Enthalpy

Electron Gain Enthalpy(EGE) is the energy released when electron is added to an isolated gaseous atom.

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Factors affecting Electron Gain Enthalpy: Atom Size – In smaller atoms, incoming electrons are placed closed […]

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