Kingdom Monera

Let us see the features and characteristics of the Monera Kingdom in this chapter.

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The monera Kingdom includes prokaryotes. They are typically unicellular organisms. The organisms in Monera kingdom are the smallest and most abundant organism on Earth.

  • The predominant mode of nutrition of organisms in the Monera Kingdom is absorptive. But some groups are photosynthetic and chemosynthetic.
  • The organisms are non-motile ion move by beating of simple flagella or by gliding.
  • Flagella composed of many intertwined chains of a protein flagellin.
  • Moneran cells are microscopic. 
  • Most organisms bear a rigid cell wall (peptidoglycan).
  • Reproduction is primarily asexual by binary fission or budding. Mitotic apparatus is not formed during cell division.
  • Examples: bacteria, actinomycetes, mycoplasma, and cyanobacteria.


Bacteria are found in various shapes like:

bacteria shapes

  1. Coccus (spherical)
  2. Bacillus (rod-shaped)
  3. Vibrio (comma shaped)
  4. Spirillum (spiral shaped)

Bacteria found almost everywhere and can be Photosynthetic autotrophs, Chemosynthetic autotrophs or Heterotrophs.


Archaebacteria have different cell wall structure due to which they can live in most harsh habitats.

  1. Halophiles (salt-loving), e.g., halococcus and Halobacterium
  2. Thermoacidophiles (in hot springs), e.g., thermoplasma and sulfobolus
  3. Methanogen (marshy area),e.g., Methanolinea, Methanobacterium

Methanogens are also found in the guts of several ruminant animals such as buffalos and cows and they are responsible for the production of biogas (methane) from the animal dung.


  • These are also known as true bacteria.
  • They have a rigid cell wall.
  • They possess flagella, if motile.
  • They also are known as blue-green algae or Cyanobacteria.
  • Cyanobacteria are photosynthetic autotrophs.
  • These are unicellular, colonial or filamentous algae.
  • Colonies are surrounded by a gelatinous sheath.
  • Some eubacteria can fix atmospheric nitrogen e.g. Nostoc. These special cells which fix atmospheric nitrogen are called heterocyst.
  • Chemosynthetic autotrophs can oxidize various inorganic substances such as nitrites, nitrates, and ammonia. They use the released energy for their ATP production. 

Heterotrophic bacteria

They are most abundant in nature

  1. Most of them are decomposers
  2. They are helpful in making curd from milk.
  3. They are helpful in Production of antibiotics
  4. Some heterotrophic bacteria causes pathogenic causing diseases like typhoid, cholera, and tetanus

Bacteria reproduce mainly by fission, also produce spores in an unfavorable condition. They also reproduce sexually by transfer of DNA from one bacteria to other, the process called conjugation.


  1. Completely lack a cell wall.
  2. Mycoplasma is the smallest living cells known.
  3. Pathogenic in animals and plants.
  4. Can survive even without oxygen.

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Video Transcript for Kingdom Monera

In this session, we are going to talk about kingdom monera and kingdom Protista. This Monera kingdom is the most ancient type of organisms kingdom. It is supposed to be developed 3.5 million years ago. Majority of the organisms in this kingdom which is considered to be the most ancient kinds of organisms produced on this planet.

Monera is the kingdom of prokaryotes that whenever any prokaryotic organism is going to be present it will be kept definitely in the Monera so much obvious as we are saying is a prokaryotic cell that is the majority of the organisms or most organisms they are simple. The prokaryotic cell has many characters we are going to get as an absence of well-defined nuclear membrane but we are not saying is DNA is absent either DNA or RNA or DNA majority of the time will be present but that that is directly in contact with cytoplasm whereas there is no histone a very special type of proteins for packaging of DNA so as DNA directly will be regarded as a chromosome so there will be only single DNA and that will be only one chromosome whereas DNA is often ly circular these characters are unsaid over here as we are saying is a prokaryotic cell.

Second such character that is definitely there is no membrane bounded cell organelles definitely there won’t be any cell membrane-bounded cell organelle like mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, endoplasmic reticulum, lysosomes. All such kind of things will not be there whereas there will be definitely presence of ribosomes but ribosomes will be of 70s but definitely, they will not be 80s these rules or these particular characters are unsaid as we are saying is a prokaryotic cell.

Another character of this kingdom monera that is in Monera we are going to get both of them either autotrophs or heterotrophs say for examples I know bacteria majority of them they are Bluegreen algae and all of them are say photosynthetic so they are autotrophs whereas bacteria are you bacteria archaea bacteria and then the Rickettsia spirochetes and all they are all say very importantly heterotrophs

The most widespread group of organism on this earth literally this particular organism were coming in this Monera they are ubiquitous they are present on our human skin as well as in the intestine very often E. coli whereas they are present everywhere there is hardly any place where these Monera group members are not there whereas the also they are so widely spread unfortunately we say we have to say is a less known kingdom that is except some few of them that is equal we know in much more better way is a genotype has been done and all that stuff whereas majority of them we know them but we do not know much more detail about them that’s why we can say it is a less known kingdom

Cellular characters there is a very first cell wall in many of the cell wall is not present say for example mycoplasma is a one group where it is considered to be the smallest cell on this planet whereas it doesn’t have cell wall so as it keeps on changing its shape so as say cell wall may be absent or it might be present but whenever it is present it is definitely not made up of cellulose it will be always very complex and having to say polysaccharides in Valen eight different kinds of polysaccharides whereas say proteins are involved in it whereas lipids concentration will be always negligible

Coming to locomotion now either locomotion by its own will be action say in case of cyanobacteria locomotion as such is not present whereas if at all it is present Celia are completely absent in this group no Celia but it might be locomotion might be present because of flagella or it might be because of streaming movement or cytoplasmic movement but definitely with not with the cilia

how the production takes place in this group does this group is very well-known for say asexual reproduction only that is complete absence of sexual reproduction takes place in this now no doubt in some of the bacteria and all say some sort of sexual reproduction takes place but it is not a true sexual reproduction as there are no formation of gametes and all but advantageous of sexual reproduction will be achieved just by exchanging the genetic material so but it cannot be called as true sexual reproduction so definitely we can say sexual reproduction is absent whereas asexual reproduction takes place by various ways and definitely the most common way is binary fission or by production of different kinds of spore which are as things posed but the most prominent most common is nothing but the asexual reproduction and that too in asexual reproduction is binary fission.

Now Lets move on to mode of nutrition, say whether this autotroph or photoautotrophs or chemoautotrophs and all or is a heterotroph and various other Seca conditions we can have Kingdom Monera divided into several such groups which are that several such groups that are a very first are key bacteria as the name suggests are the most primitive and the most ancient type of organism present on this planet and supposed to be derived first on this planet and archaea bacteria say for example methanogens and then the very famous Matano bacillus methanol droppers Matano caucus which is producing methane as a biogas they come under this whereas say sulfur-metabolizing bacteria there’s a green sulfur bacterium is also a typical example of this archaea bacteria whereas you get bacteria they are little advanced type of bacteria and the most famous example for it is e colon which is a friend for all of us

Cyanobacteria means blue so as the appear blue-green in color that’s why they are called as very often blue-green algae and majority of this blue-green alga they can be unicellular or multicellular many of them are multicellular like an oyster called Sora then the Leo troika the Donna Bina oscillatory ax these are multicellular forms of it so as they are also coming in this Monera.

Some Bacteria is very famous very common because majority of our antibiotics come from this genus strict mices whereas along with that there is another example of acting no mice it’s they are also very responsible for formation or some kind of antibiotics whereas now coming to next letter mycoplasma that they are often lee called as jokers of microbiology because they keep on changing the shape why because they don’t have cell wall at all and a typical example that is a mycoplasma pneumonia that is considered to be the smallest cell on this planet whereas Rickettsia that is they are pluto morphic prokaryotes they are going to have present in a different forms whereas spirochetes that is a Leptospira Borrelia these are some of the examples of it and which may cause various kinds of diseases and disorders in case of human being, however, gum problems or tick problems are majority are concerned with the spirochetes whereas the last there’s a chlamydia does a climb idea pneumonia is a typical example which is to be considered as a virus once upon a time but they are definitely not considered as a virus now but they are the members of kingdom monera so this is about the Monera.

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Concepts Under Kingdom Monera Chapter








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