Which one of the following phyla is correctly matched with its two general

Which One Of The Following Phyla Is Correctly Matched With Biology Question

Which one of the following phyla is correctly matched with its two general characteristics?


(a) Arthropoda – Body divided into head, thorax and abdomen and respiration by tracheae
(b) Chordata – Notochord at some stage and separate anal and urinary openings to the outside
(c) Echinodermata – Pentamerous radial symmetry and mostly internal fertilization
(d) Mollusca – Normally oviparous and development through a trochophore or veliger larva

Correct Answer:

Mollusca – Normally oviparous and development through a trochophore or veliger larva


Mollusca mostly oviparous and a few viviparous. The development may be direct or indirect with trochophore, velliger and glochidium.

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Topics: Plant and Animal Kingdom (295)
Subject: Biology (4253)

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