Which one of the following animals may occupy more than one trophic levels

Which One Of The Following Animals May Occupy More Than Biology Question

Which one of the following animals may occupy more than one trophic levels in the same ecosystem at the same time?


(a) Sparrow
(b) Lion
(c) Goat
(d) Frog

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Question Type: Memory (964)
Difficulty Level: Easy (1008)
Topics: Ecology and Ecosystem (37)
Subject: Biology (4253)

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2 Comments on Which one of the following animals may occupy more than one trophic levels

  1. Sparrow occupies two trophic levels in the same ecosystem.
    Sparrow feeds upon the grains so they should be belong from Harbivores but also it eats insects so for this they are denoted as primary carnivores. That’s why we can say that it’s from trophic level 2 as well as trophic level 3.

  2. Sparrow may occupy two trophic levels in a same ecosystem.
    It feeds upon the grains and though we can say it’s a herbivore. But it also eats the insects in the same ecosystem so it also considered as a primary carnivore. That’s why we can remark that sparrow belongs from the trophic level 1 as well as trophic level 2.

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