Which one of the following acids is a derivative of carotenoids?

Which One Of The Following Acids Is A Derivative Of Biology Question

Which one of the following acids is a derivative of carotenoids?


(a) Indole 3-acetic acid
(b) Gibberellic acid
(c) Abscisic acid
(d) indole butyric acid

Correct Answer:

Abscisic acid


Abscisic acid (ABA), also known as abscisin II and dormin, is a plant hormone. It functions in many plant developmental processes, includsing bud dormancy. Abscisic acid is a derivative of carotenoids. It was called “Abscisin II” originally because it was thought to play a major role in abscission of fruits. At about the same time another group was calling it “dormin” because they thought it had a major role in bud dormancy. The name abscisic acid (ABA) was coined by a compromise between the two groups.

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Topics: Plant Growth and Development (126)
Subject: Biology (4253)

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