Which of the following forms the basis of DNA Finger printing?

Which Of The Following Forms The Basis Of Dna Finger Biology Question

Which of the following forms the basis of DNA Finger printing?


(a) The relative proportions of purines and pyrimidines in DNA.
(b) Satellite DNA occurring as highly rpeated short DNA segments
(c) The relative difference in the DNA occurrence in blood, skin and saliva.
(d) The relative amount of DNA in the ridges and grooves of the fingerprints.

Correct Answer:

Satellite DNA occurring as highly rpeated short DNA segments


DNA fingerprinting is a test to identify and evaluate the genetic information called DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) in person’s cell. DNA fingerprinting is a form of identification based on sequencing specific non-coding portions of DNA that are known to have a high degree of variability from person to person. These sections are known as Tandem repeats. The test is used to determine whether a family relationship exists between two people, to identify organisms causing a disease, and to solve cirmes.

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Topics: Genetics (204)
Subject: Biology (4253)

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