Two genes R and Y are located very close on the chromosomal linkage map of maize plant

Two Genes R And Y Are Located Very Close On Biology Question

Two genes R and Y are located very close on the chromosomal linkage map of maize plant. When RRYY and rryy genotypes are hybridized, the F₂ segregation will show


(a) segregation in the expected 9 : 3 : 3 : 1 ratio
(b) segregation in 3 : 1 ratio
(c) higher number of the parental types
(d) higher number of the recombinant types.

Correct Answer:

higher number of the parental types


When the linked genes are situated quite close, the chances of crossing over are highely reduced. Due to this, large number of parental gametes are formed and only few recombinant gametes are formed. This results in higher no. of parental types in F₂ generation as compared to recombinations.

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Topics: Genetics (204)
Subject: Biology (4253)

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