The kind of epithelium which forms the inner walls of blood vessels is:

The Kind Of Epithelium Which Forms The Inner Walls Of Biology Question

The kind of epithelium which forms the inner walls of blood vessels is:


(a) cuboidal epithelium
(b) columnar epithelium
(c) ciliated columnar epithelium
(d) squamous epithelium

Correct Answer:

squamous epithelium


Squamous epithelium is formed of thin discoidal and polygonal cells that fit like tiles in a floor, so is also called pavement epithelium. It is found in the walls of blood vessels, in the alveoli of lung for exchange of gas, and in Bowman’s capsule of nephron for ultra filtration

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Question Type: Memory (964)
Difficulty Level: Easy (1008)
Topics: Structural Organisation In Animals (175)
Subject: Biology (4253)

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