The fleshy receptacle of syconus of fig encloses a number of:

The Fleshy Receptacle Of Syconus Of Fig Encloses A Number Biology Question

The fleshy receptacle of syconus of fig encloses a number of:


(a) Achenes
(b) Samaras
(c) Berries
(d) Mericarps

Correct Answer:



The fleshy receptacle of syconus of fig encloses a number of Achenes. Achene is the thin dry percarp is free from seed except at one point. The fruit develops from a monocarpellary pistil having superior unilocular and ovuled ovary.

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Question Type: Memory (964)
Difficulty Level: Easy (1008)
Topics: Reproduction In Plants (48)
Subject: Biology (4253)

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