The First reaction in photorespiration is

The First Reaction In Photorespiration Is Biology Question

The First reaction in photorespiration is


(a) carboxylation
(b) oxygenation
(c) decarboxylation
(d) phosphorylation

Correct Answer:



While doing studies on plant productivity it was found that a considerable proportion of the photosynthetic products was being oxidised to CO₂ and water without the production of metabolically useful energy. This was traced to a type of respiration which occurs in small organelles called peroxisomes, and because it occurs only in llight is called photorespiration. Under conditions of low CO₂ and high O₂ concentration which are normal atmospheric conditions, as much as 30-50% of the photosynthetically fix

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Topics: Photosynthesis in Higher Plants (153)
Subject: Biology (4253)

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