The characteristics and an example of a synovial joint in humans is:

The Characteristics And An Example Of A Synovial Joint In Biology Question

The characteristics and an example of a synovial joint in humans is:


(a) Fluid filled between two joints, provides cushion Skull bones
(b) Fluid filled synovial cavity between two bones Joint between atlas and axis
(c) Lymph filled between two bones, limited movement gliding joint between carpals
(d) Fluid cartilage between two bones, limited movements Knee joint

Correct Answer:

Fluid filled synovial cavity between two bones Joint between atlas and axis


Synovial joints are characterised by the presence of a fluid filled synovial cavity between the articulating surfaces of the two bones. Such as an arrangement allows considerable movement. These joint help in locomotion and many other movements. Ball and socket joint (between humerus and pectoral girdle), Hinge joint (knee joint), Pivor joint (between atlas and axis), Gliding joint (between the carpals) and saddle joint (between carpal and metacarpal of thumb) are some examples.

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Topics: Locomotion and Neural Control (33)
Subject: Biology (4253)

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