Select the option which correctly matches the endocrine gland with its hormone

Select The Option Which Correctly Matches The Endocrine Gland With Biology Question

Select the option which correctly matches the endocrine gland with its hormone and its function


(a) Ovary FSH stimulates follicular development and the secretion of estrogens.
(b) Placenta estrogen initiates secretion of the milk
(c) Corpus luteum estrogen essential for maintenance of endometerium
(d) Leydig cells androgen initiates the production of sperms.

Correct Answer:

Leydig cells androgen initiates the production of sperms.


Leydig cells or interstitial cells, which are present in the intertubular spaces produce a group of hormones called androgens mainly testosterone. Androgens play a major stimulatory role in the process of spermatogenesis (formation of spermatozoa).

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Topics: Human Reproduction (101)
Subject: Biology (4253)

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