Select the correct statement regarding the specific disorder of muscular

Select The Correct Statement Regarding The Specific Disorder Of Muscular Biology Question

Select the correct statement regarding the specific disorder of muscular or skeletal system


(a) Muscular dystrophy – age related shortening or muscles
(b) Osteoporosis – decrease in bone mass and higher chance of fractures with advancing age
(c) Myasthenia gravis – Auto immune disorder which inhibits sliding of myosin filaments
(d) Gout – inflammation of joints due to extra deposition of calcium

Correct Answer:

Osteoporosis – decrease in bone mass and higher chance of fractures with advancing age


Major causative factors of osteoporosis are imbalances of hormones like calcitonin of thyroid, parathormone of parathyroids, and sex hormones and deficiencies of calcium and vitamin D.

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Topics: Locomotion and Neural Control (33)
Subject: Biology (4253)

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