Perisperm is

Perisperm Is Biology Question

Perisperm is


(a) ruminant of endosperm
(b) ruminant of nucellus
(c) ruminant of embryo
(d) ruminant of endosperm & ruminant of nucellus & ruminant of embryo

Correct Answer:

ruminant of nucellus


Perisperm is a nutritive tissue which is a ruminant of the nucellus that remains after the fertilization of egg, surrounding the sac on the outer side of the seed of some flowering plants. Perisperm is mostly seen in plants like Coffee, pepper, Ginger, Spinach.

Endosperm is a nutritive tissue which is formed inside the seed of many flowering plants after the cell fertilization. Endosperm seeds are seen in onion, coconut, corn, tomato, wheat and groundnut .

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Topics: Reproduction In Organisms and Plants (129)
Subject: Biology (4253)

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1 Comment on Perisperm is

  1. NUCELLUS is the main part of ovule and it is usually consumed in the development of female gametophyte and embryo but if it persists even after the development of seed then such remenents of nucellus id called as PERISPERM

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