Pauling’s electro negativity values for elements are useful in predicting

Paulings Electro Negativity Values For Elements Are Useful In Predicting Chemistry Question

Pauling’s electro negativity values for elements are useful in predicting


(a) Polarity of the molecules
(b) Position in the E.M.F. series
(c) Coordination numbers
(d) Dipole moments

Correct Answer:

Polarity of the molecules


Pauling scale of electronegativity was helpfulin predicting(i)Nature of bond between two atoms(ii)Stability of bondby calculating the difference in electro-negativities polarity of bond can becalculated.

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Question Type: Memory (964)
Difficulty Level: Easy (1008)
Topics: Classification of Elements and Periodicity (94)
Subject: Chemistry (2512)

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