Organisms which can grow and multiply at temperatures of 100 – 105ºC belong to

A Few Organisms Are Known To Grow And Multiply At Biology Question

A few organisms are known to grow and multiply at temperatures of 100 – 105ºC. They belong


(a) marine archaebacteria
(b) thermophilic sulphur bacteria
(c) hot-spring blue-green algae
(d) thermophilic, subaerial fungi

Correct Answer:

marine archaebacteria


Archaea (archaebacteria) are a phenotypically diverse group of microorganisms that share a common evolutionary history. There are four general phenotypic groups of archaea: the methanogens, the extreme halophiles, the sulfate-reducing archaea, and the extreme thermophiles. In the marine environment, archaeal habitats are generally limited to shallow or deep-sea anaerobic sediments (free-living and endosymbiotic methanogens), hot springs or deep-sea hydrothermal vents (methanogens, sulfate reducers, and extreme thermophiles), and highly saline land-locked seas (halophiles). 

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Question Type: Memory (964)
Difficulty Level: Easy (1008)
Topics: Diversity In Living World (339)
Subject: Biology (4253)

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