Modern detergents contain enzyme preparations of:

Modern Detergents Contain Enzyme Preparations Of Biology Question

Modern detergents contain enzyme preparations of:


(a) Acidophiles
(b) Alkaliphiles
(c) Thermoacidophiles
(d) Thermophiles

Correct Answer:



Modern detergent contain enzymes preparations of alkaliphiles. Alkaliphiles live in alkaline environments like soda lakes, or alkaline soil. The pH level in alkaline substances is from about 9 to 11 on the pH scale. The alkaliphiles keep an alkaline level of about 9 pH inside the cells, but the environment has a higher level of alkalinity. Alkaliphiles can keep the right pH level by pumping in hydrogen ions in out at the right rate.

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Topics: Human Digestion and Breathing (167)
Subject: Biology (4253)

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