In purple and green bacteria oxygen is not evolved during photosynthesis because

In Purple And Green Bacteria Oxygen Is Not Evolved During Biology Question

In purple and green bacteria, oxygen is not evolved during photosynthesis because hydrogen donor is


(a) H₂O
(b) NH₃
(c) H₂S
(d) CH₄

Correct Answer:



Purple and green bacteria are photoautotrophic bacteria which respectively have bacteriochlorophyll and bacteriophaeophytin as photosynthetic pigments. These bacteria perform anoxygenic photosynthesis i.e. no O₂ is evolved during photosynthesis because of this water is not used as a source of reducing power, instead hydreogen is obtained either directly (some purple bacteria) or from various types of inorganic and organic compounds, e.g., H₂S (green bacteria).
H₂S → 2(H) + S

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Topics: Photosynthesis in Higher Plants (153)
Subject: Biology (4253)

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