In photosystem antennae comprises of all pigments except

In Photosystem Antennae Comprises Of All Pigments Except Biology Question

In photosystem, antennae comprises of all pigments except


(a) chlorophyll-a
(b) chlorophyll-b
(c) carotenoids
(d) xanthophyll

Correct Answer:



Light Harvesting Complex includes:
Antenna Molecule-The antenna molecule absorb light of various wavelengths but shorter than that of photocentre (chlorophyll-a). Antenna molecule includes chlorophuyll-b & xanthophyll. Core Molecule – Various pigment molecules in antenna complex absorb different wavelengths of light and transfer it to the core molecule, i.e., chlorophyll-a.

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Topics: Photosynthesis in Higher Plants (153)
Subject: Biology (4253)

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