If N and S both are present in an organic compound then during Lassaigne’s test,

If N And S Both Are Present In An Organic Chemistry Question

If N and S both are present in an organic compound then during Lassaigne’s test, both will change into


(a) NaSCN
(b) Na₂S and NaCN
(c) Na₂S and NaCNO
(d) Na₂SO₃ and NaCN

Correct Answer:



If nitrogen and sulphur both are present in any organic compound, sodium thiocyanate is formed.Both are tested simultaneously with FeCl₃ solution, when a blood red colouration appears. Na + C + N + S(In the organic compound) → NaCNS(Sodiumthiocyanate).

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Topics: Basic Principles of Organic Chemistry (124)
Subject: Chemistry (2512)

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