Hypothetical plant hormones are

Hypothetical Plant Hormones Are Biology Question

Hypothetical plant hormones are


(a) florigen
(b) vernalin
(c) florigen and vernalin
(d) auxin

Correct Answer:

florigen and vernalin


The commonly recognized classes of plant hormones are the auxins, gibberelins, cytokinins, abscisic acid, and ethylene, Circumstantial evidence suggest that flower initiation is controlled by hypothetical hormones called florigens, but these substances remain to be identified. Florigen means flower forming hormones. A German plant physiologist Georg Melchers had proposed the existence of a stimulus of vernalization and he termed it as vernalin. Vernalin has not been isolated so far so it still remains to be

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Topics: Plant Growth and Development (126)
Subject: Biology (4253)

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