Global agreement in specific control strategies to reduce the release of ozone

Global Agreement In Specific Control Strategies To Reduce The Release Biology Question

Global agreement in specific control strategies to reduce the release of ozone depleting substances, was adopted by


(a) The Montreal Protocol
(b) The Koyoto Protocol
(c) The Vienna Convention
(d) Rio de Janeiro Conference

Correct Answer:

The Montreal Protocol


Global agreement in specific control strategies to reduce the release of ozone depleting substances was adopted by the Montreal protocol. The treaty was originally signed in 1987 and substantially amended in 1990 and 1992. The montreal protocol stipulates that the production and consumption of compounds that deplete ozone in the stratosphere-chlorofluoro-carbons(CFCs), halogens, carbon tetrachloride, and methyl chloroform are to be phased out by 2000 (2005 for methyl chloroform).

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Question Type: Memory (964)
Difficulty Level: Easy (1008)
Topics: Conservation and Environmental Issues (111)
Subject: Biology (4253)

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