Given below is a diagrammatic sketch of a portion of human male reproductive system

Given Below Is A Diagrammatic Sketch Of A Portion Of Biology Question

Given below is a diagrammatic sketch of a portion of human male reproductive system. Select the correct set of the names of the parts labelled A, B, C, D.


(a) vas deferens (A); seminal vesicle (B) prostate (C); bulbourethral gland (D)
(b) vas deferens (A); seminal vesicle (B) bulbourethral gland (C); prostate (D)
(c) ureter (A); seminal vesicle (B); prostate (C); bulbourethral gland (D)
(d) ureter (A); prostate (B); seminal vesicle (C); bulbourethral gland (D)

Correct Answer:

vas deferens (A); seminal vesicle (B) prostate (C); bulbourethral gland (D)


The human male reproductive system consists of a number of sex organs that are a part of the human reproductive proces. In a diagram of male reproductive system of human, the point indicated by A,B,C,D are vas deferens, seminal vesicle, prostate and bulbourenthral gland.

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Topics: Human Reproduction (101)
Subject: Biology (4253)

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